The symptoms of ADHD presents children with many challenges, particularly in the realm of academics. Issues concentrating can make it hard to retain information, behavioral problems may get them in trouble in the classroom, disorganization leads to forgotten homework assignments and all sorts of other problems that can hamper success. With so many elements working against you and your child, it can surely seem like an uphill battle. But, while the journey may be challenging, not all hope is lost. A strong commitment to change and consistency in applying helpful strategies can lead to significant improvement, probably beyond what you may think is possible. Here are some tips for parents to help their child do well in school despite this diagnosis.
Working with Teachers
It can be easy to think that while your child is in the confines of the school, it is all on the teacher to tend to his needs, while you take care of things on the home front. But, if you want to do all you can to help your child, there needs to be an open line of communication between you and the school. No one will care more about your child succeeding than you. Teachers have a lot on their plate, managing the different personalities and needs of a large number of students. Do not assume they know how to best handle your child. You must communicate his needs and your concerns. Make meetings between you and the teachers a regular happening. It is important to discuss everything openly and honestly. Share what strategies work for your child at home. Listen to what the teacher has to say and any observations she has made—sometimes they may say things that are hard to hear, but it is important that you encourage candor. You both have information to share that can help the other. Create goals that you can both work on at home and at the school.
Homework Help
Getting even ‘’normal’’ children to do homework can be a constant battle; throw ADHD into the mix and you can have quite a situation on your hands. There are many strategies for overcoming these challenges, and it may take some trial and error to find what works best for you and your child. The most important element of success is consistency—a lot is riding on you as the parent to be diligent in implementing the strategies because you cannot rely on your child to do it. This is not an area where you can take on a passive role.
A study at Monmouth University made some interesting findings that suggest a few simple steps can greatly improve homework issues in children with ADHD. 39 children with ADHD were divided into a treatment group and a control group with no interventions—more than 50 percent were taking medications. During the course of the study, any student not on medicine did not start any and children already taking medication did not make any changes to their doses. This ensured a more effective evaluation of the effects of the homework program.
After applying the following steps, the treatment group experienced more a 50 percent drop in homework problems, based on evaluations of specific criteria before and after the study. The first step was having the child keep a homework journal –which he showed to his teacher to confirm everything was correct– where information about the day’s assignments were written down. Homework was started within an hour of getting home from school, in a quiet area. No TV, video games or computer until homework was finished. If the child forgot the journal or any materials needed to complete homework, they could not partake in any of the previously mentioned activities for a whole day.
Establishing time limits to complete assignments can also be helpful since ADHD can distort sense of time; working breaks in is also helpful. Also, since ADHD students tend to jump from one task to another, you may be able to use that to your advantage. Some parents find setting up a ‘’homework station’’ where the child moves through different assignments, completing a bit at a time, helpful.
If your child is having trouble with any subject matter, it might be a good idea to consider a tutor who specialized in working with ADHD children. There is even online tutoring, which is an especially good option if you live in an area where you may not have access to lots of tutors.
Organizational Help
Poor organizational skills and success do not go hand in hand in any area of life. Helping your child get organized is paramount with ADHD. A color coding system can be very helpful. Each subject can have its own color notebook and folders. Different folders for homework that needs to be done and homework that is already completed is a good idea. Schedule regular clean-up sessions where you go through backpacks and binders and get rid of anything your child no longer needs. Make sure everything has its place. Creating a calendar can also help—you can mark down when projects are due, or when he has a test.