According to WordSmart, a top test preparation services that uses over 70 years of research to create its testing tools, one of the keys to passing any exam is to ensure that the test suits your individuality; this is especially important if you have control over the kind of exam you want to take.
A question that is often debated by students who want to enter get into college is whether to take SAT or ACT, or whether to take both tests. This decision is even more difficult since both exams are widely accepted by four year colleges.
According to WordSmart, choosing the right kind of exam can contribute to your success in the exam.
A Key Difference between SAT and ACT
When deciding which exam to take, it is also important to consider a key difference between both exams; the SAT test uses a scoring system that penalizes students for choosing the wrong answer; it uses subtractive scoring. Each wrong answer you choose in the SAT test will be deducted from your total exam mark.
The ACT, however, only adds up the number of correct answers you get; armed with this knowledge, how do you determine which of these exams to take?
WordSmart’s Top Signs You Should Sit the SAT
According to WordSmart, here are some key signs you should sit the SAT instead of the ACT:
1. You Have Strong Vocabulary Skills
According to WordSmart, your vocabulary is important when taking the SAT; if you’ve always loved playing with words, and if you don’t find it difficult to understand and master big words, then you will do well taking the SAT.
There are reports that extravagant language in the SAT could disappear soon, so this might no longer be a factor in the future.
2. You Do Better When You Switch Focus
Unlike with the ACT where you tackle each subject in one big chunk, the SAT is designed to suit people who find it easier to switch focus; with the SAT, you’ll have to work on a mix of Critical Reading, Math, and Writing broken up into 10 different sections; you won’t be able to focus on one subject at a time but you will instead need to move back and forth between content areas.
If you find it easier to focus even when subjects are suddenly changed, WordSmith thinks you’ll do best at SAT. If, however, you have difficulty concentrating if subjects are suddenly changed, you’ll better go for the ACT.
3. You Grasp Logic, Reasoning and Problem-Solving
The SAT is an aptitude testthat tests your reasoning and understanding of subjects discussed, as well as how you react to new information and make use of resources at your disposal.
Unlike the ACT, the SAT isn’t designed to test what you have learned in school but how well you can reason and solve problems.
4. You Have Good Memory
Having good memory is another factor WordSmart suggests will help you pass the SAT.
The SAT isn’t necessarily a test that requires preconceived knowledge, but you will need to build upon information presented in the test throughout the test. Having good memory will also aid your passing the SAT.
It’s important to choose the right exam to guarantee a great experience with the SAT, and hopefully you find the above tips from WordSmart helpful.